Unpacking U.S. Entity List and Its Export Control Regulations (Entity List Part I)
HUANG & HU continues to keep a close watch on the newest change in the U.S.-China trade regulations and policies, and to assist entities with risk management and compliance in the cross-border transactions between U.S. and China.
In 2019, the U.S. Department of Commerce added Huawei and 68 of its subsidiaries to the country’s Entity List; December 2020, another 77 more entities were designated, among which were 60 Chinese entities. Again in July 2021, the Biden administration “blacklisted” another 23 Chinese entities. The Entity list has been grabbing the limelight during the China-U.S. trade war. What is the Entity List, and what makes this list so powerful that the U.S. government uses it frequently in its effort to fight against China and Chinese companies?
1. Export Administrative Regulation and Entity List 出口管理条例与实体清单
Source: Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)
The “Entity List” can be found as Supplement No. 4 to Part 744 of the Export Administrative Regulation (EAR).The list contain a list of names of certain foreign persons – including businesses, research institutions, government and private organizations, individuals, and other types of legal persons – that are subject to specific license requirements for the export, reexport and/or transfer (in-country) of specified items.
The Entity List is created and executed by BIS. BIS first published the Entity List in February 1997 as part of its efforts to inform the public of entities who have engaged in activities that could result in an increased risk of the diversion of exported, reexported and transferred (in-country) items to weapons of mass destruction programs. Since its initial publication, grounds for inclusion on the Entity List have expanded to activities sanctioned by the State Department and activities contrary to U.S. national security and/or foreign policy interests. The ERC, composed of representatives of the Departments of Commerce, State, Defense, Energy and, where appropriate, the Treasury, makes all decisions regarding additions to, removals from, or other modifications to the Entity. The ERC makes all decision to add an entry to the Entity List by majority vote and makes all decisions to remove or modify an entry by unanimous vote. Each amendment of the Entity List will be executed in the form of administrative final rule.
2. Consequences of Designation to the Entity List 被列入实体清单的后果
In order to understand the legal consequences of being added to the Entity List, it is necessary to understand the basic regime under EAR. EAR governs all the export, reexport, and transfer (domestic) of items with “dual intent” (both civil and military intent). Items over which BIS exercises regulatory jurisdiction under the EAR include:
All items in the United States, including in a U.S. Foreign Trade Zone or moving in transit through the United States from one foreign country to another;
All U.S. origin items wherever located;
Foreign-made commodities that incorporate controlled U.S.-origin commodities, foreign-made commodities that are ‘bundled’ with controlled U.S.-origin software, foreign-made software that is commingled with controlled U.S.-origin software, and foreizgn-made technology that is commingled with controlled U.S.-origin technology;
Certain foreign-made direct products of U.S. origin technology or software.
EAR’s jurisdiction is so broad that it governs basically all the items which by themselves are, or using technology or software during the process of being, manufactured, transported, processed or assembled in the United States. Different restrictions are enforced onto different items based on its category in the Commerce Control List (CCL). CCL lists the item and its corresponding Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) denoting the reason for its restriction. Items that do not have an ECCN will be designated EAR99. The EAR99 classification is generally assigned to low technology or low risk items that do not require an export license. However, the export of EAR99 items may be prohibited or require an export license depending on their destination country or end user, part of which is determined by the Entity List.
可见《出口管理条例》的管辖范围极其宽泛,包括了所有在美国、或使用美国技术或软件生产、运输、加工、组装的物品。为了在如此庞大的管辖范围内明确具体的管制物项及要求,美国商务部制定了《商业管制清单》, 用5位数的ECCN编码对所有管控物项进行归类并确认该物项的管制原因、管制级别、以及是否需要许可。ECCN物项被细分为十类,不包括在这十类内的一般为科技含量较低的物项,被同一归类为EAR99。通常情况下,对EAR99物项进行出口、再出口和转让时,不需要任何的许可证。然而如EAR99物项被出口至被制裁国家,或接收方位于实体名单之内,那么也可能被要求申请相关的许可。
The Entity List specifies the license requirements that it imposes on each listed person. Those license requirements are in addition to license requirements imposed elsewhere in the EAR. The Entity List also specifies the license review policy for each entity, indicating the standard BIS will adopt in its decision of whether to issue an exporting license or not. Presumption of denial is the most common review policy, which means that BIS will presume the license application should be denied unless the applicant provides sufficient evidence to overcome such presumption.
Source: BIS
Even though an entry in the Entity List does not necessarily mean prohibition from all the export activities, but only a need to apply for a license. However, in fact, once being added, the listed entity will face an extremely difficult situation to obtain any products, software or technology related to the United States; which can be devastating for the companies who greatly rely on importing from the U.S. This is because EAR implements a very strict reviewing policy against the issuance of export licenses. Meanwhile, in practice, most of the U.S. entities (and entities from EU, Japan and Korean who greatly rely on U.S. technology) will tend to refuse engaging in any transactions with the listed entities. The reasons behind this tendency are not only the difficulty of obtaining a license, the potential risk of being sanctioned, but also the lengthened transaction cycle and increased cost caused by such a process. After Huawei’s entry to the Entity List, ARM, Google, Intel, Galton and many other Huawei’s suppliers and partners chose to terminate their future transactions.
3. New Trends for Entity List Designations 被列入实体名单依据的新趋势
Biden administration has amended the Entity List four times to include Chinese entities in 2021. In these new amendments, “human rights abuses” has become a determinative ground for the designation. The June 2020 Entity List designations were the first time the Entity List was used as a tool to punish companies engaging in alleged human rights abuses, specifically forced labor. Some of the designated entities under this ground are accused of “participating in the practice of, accepting, or utilizing forced labor”or “principally involved in surveillance and artificial intelligence.”
2021年,拜登政府已经四次修订实体清单将纳入新的中国实体。在这些新增订的名单中, “违反人权“持续成为了一项决定性依据。涉及到的具体因素可能有“利用、接受强制劳动力“、“生产可能用于政府监视技术或软件“。
In addition, “military end-user” and “supporting military actions” continue to be the most common grounds for designations. Under this ground, one newly emerged factor appears to be involvement in land reclamation and construction activities in disputed territory in the South China Sea. The United States continues to utilize Entity List to exert restriction on entities who are or may threat U.S. technology advantaged status in the world, especially Chinese entities whose technology development are highly supported by imports of materials and technologies from the U.S. Close relationship with military end user, human rights abuses, or transactions with sanctioned countries, all can be designated factors under this concern.
Entity List is a powerful political tool for the U.S. government to restrict export independently and unilaterally and is not limited by any action of Congress or international organizations. It was revived by the Obama administration and has been reinforced constantly during the trade war because of its agility and effectiveness. In the last 10 years from 2010 to 2020, there was a 420% increase for entries to the Entity List from the prior 10-year period of 2000-2010. Regional focus has shifted from the Middle East to Russia to China over the prior two decades, and the industry focus shifted from aerospace and missiles to companies building surveillance equipment and integrated circuits, reflecting the evolving aims and priorities of US foreign policy.
Source: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/united-states-entity-list-limits-american-exports
【1】2021 Entity List 最新实体名单参见: https://www.ecfr.gov/api/renderer/v1/content/enhanced/2021-10-08/title-15?appendix=Supplement+No.+4+to+Part+744&chapter=VII&part=744&subchapter=C&subtitle=B