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HUANG & HU Lawyer Named Illinois Super Lawyer of 2025
HUANG & HU are proud to announce that both John and Yilun have been recognized by Illinois Super Lawyers for the second year in a row! John has been named an "Illinois Super Lawyer" for 2025, and Yilun has been named to the "Rising Stars" list for 2025. Congratulations to both!

Huang Hu Unfreezes Millions in Bank Assets in China for U.S. Individuals
Confronting complex international banking regulations, cross-border financial controls, and intricate compliance hurdles, our legal team harnessed its global network and extensive cross-jurisdictional experience to secure full restitution of our client’s funds.

Huang Hu Recovery of Frozen Cryptocurrency
Huang & Hu is pleased to announce the successful unfreezing of millions of dollars in cryptocurrency assets previously held by the U.S.Huang & Hu successfully unfroze millions of dollars in bank assets held in China on behalf of a U.S. citizen client.

John Z. Huang Receives Attorney of the Year Award
Huang & Hu PC is proud to announce that Partner John Z. Huang received the Attorney of the Year Award by the Honorable Congressman Danny K Davis.

Huang & Hu Achieves Multiple Six-Figure Personal Injury Settlements in December
This December, we won several big personal injury cases, with settlements in the six figures. In two of those cases, we turned denied insurance claims into a victory.

HUANG & HU Lawyer Named Illinois Super Lawyer of 2024
Huang & Hu lawyer John Huang was awarded Illinois Super Lawyer of 2024. Yilun Alan Hu was selected to the 2024 Rising Star List of Illinois.

John Z. Huang Included in Honorary Trial Orders by LCA
John Z Huang Included in Honorary Trial Orders By Litigation Counsel of America

Update on Missing Student Diwen Fan
Diwen is safe and has been reunited with his family. The family has arrived in Chicago and expressed their gratitude to everyone in the community and on campus.

Missing Person - Diwen Fan
Diwen's family has promised to pay $10,000 as a reward for anyone who can provide reliable information that would lead to the finding of this student.

HUANG & HU Successfully Appeals IL Gaming Board
After providing substantial evidence to the IL Gaming Board, HUANG & HU successfully removed our client from the exclusion list.

HUANG & HU Calls on the Biden Administration to Grant Ukrainian Students Special Student Relief
HUANG & HU is determined to work closely with local universities to provide free legal services for those Ukrainian students who are unable to return to their country.

HUANG & HU Obtaines Favorable Settlement in Patent Litigation
清水正东律师事务所 HUANG & HU secured favorable settlements for Taiwanese e-commerce seller in a patent infringement litigation.
HUANG & HU continues its zealous representations for overseas sellers who are targeted and taken advantage of by those one-sided and sometimes predatory plaintiffs lawsuits

HUANG & HU Reverses Suspensions for College Students.
HUANG and HU has successfully reversed suspensions for multiple college and graduate students in Chicago since the new year. We also won a case before the DOJ to reverse the OPT rejections and reinstate the student’s work permit and lawful status.

HUANG & HU Scores Hard-Earned Victory for Startup Self-Employed H-1B
Great news - our client’s self-employed startup H-1B petition is approved without Request For Evidence (RFE). To say this is just another H-1B success for us would be an understatement. One of the most difficult H-1B cases is for the self-employed beneficiary of an H-1B application for that same company.

HUANG & HU Joins Silent Protest in Chinatown
HUANG & HU PC closed our office this afternoon to join the silent protest against increase in violent crimes in Chinatown. We walked the march through the neighborhood with Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez and hundreds of people in solidarity. We are determined to work closely with the community leaders to bring visibility to the safety issue for Chinatown.

Reception Held for Dennis Zheng’s Family
HUANG & HU and Chinese American Association of Greater Chicago held a warm reception for Shaoxiong Dennis Zheng’s parents on Dec 11, 2021. The community worked together to help the family in the aftermath of the loss of Dennis. We have secured the smooth distribution of all the donation funds to the family and will continue our pro bono services for the family in the court proceedings.

Alton Spann Pretrial Hearing 12/8/2021
11点33分,庭审轮到Alton Spann的案件,助理公设辩护人Robyn Haynes作为Spann的代理辩护人出席庭审。Haynes 律师要求本案进入正式审判流程。检方确认所有控罪均以“直接起诉”(direct indictment)的方式进行。Ahmad法官决定法庭第一次正式传讯(arraignment)日期为2021年12月27日。法官在听取了检方和被告方的意见后,裁定法庭第一次正式传讯日期为2021年12月27日。检方采用直接起诉这种方式意味着该案将直接进入正式审判程序,而不用经过递交起诉状或“初级聆讯”(preliminary hearing)的过程。这反映出检方对此案的高度重视,也表明检方有信心提供充分证据将犯罪嫌疑人绳之以法。12月27日法庭传讯中被告人是否会认罪,我们将拭目以待

Alton Spann Pretrial Hearing 12/1/2021
12月1日上午11:00分,针对郑少雄枪击案的凶手嫌犯Alton Spann的第三次庭审在库克郡巡回法院通过线上方式远程举行,公众可以通过Youtube直播旁听庭审。黄正东律师、胡逸伦律师作为受害人家属的援助律师进入检方及被告方专用的Zoom会议房间参与庭审。

HUANG & HU Protects the Rights of the Surviving Family Members of Dennis Shaoxiong Zheng
HUANG & HU Protects the Rights of the Surviving Family Members of Dennis Shaoxiong Zheng.

HUANG & HU Represents Petitioner Before the Fifth Circuit
Huang & Hu is trusted and retained to represent the asylee before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. The asylee’s appeals before the Board of Immigration Appeals has failed due to the ineffective assistance of the previous counsel.